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來源:http://www.zvmc.cn 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2020-04-02
  It is already April, although the temperature fluctuation is bigger, but spring to summer can be far behind? Summer site heat, small concrete mixer how to do to safe summer? The following four defense work should be done:
  1, anti-braking failure
  The brake fluid is easy to evaporate and vaporize in the high temperature environment, forming air resistance in the brake pipeline, and the brake shoe is easy to ablate, resulting in braking failure. Therefore, the summer should timely check and adjust the braking system, the way down the long slope should pay attention to the parking brake, ensure good braking performance; If found brake hub hair hot, should stop to cool, but can not pour pour cold water, in case of brake hub rupture.
  2. Prevent tires from bursting
  Summer is compared to the season of easy puncture, hot weather easy to make the tire deformation, anti-tension landing. And as the tire itself, pressure is not standard, tire aging, performance weakened, or in the process of driving the tire rolled to a hard metal or other hard conditions, will cause the car suddenly burst. Therefore, before the car should be properly reduced tire pressure, when the road rest, timely check the tire temperature and pressure. If the tire temperature, tire pressure is found to be too high, can not take the way of venting and pouring cold water, should choose the shade to stop; If wading, should wait for the tire temperature properly reduced after wading, in case of early tire damage.
  3, prevent bad smooth
  When the temperature is high, the oil viscosity falls, the oxidation resistance becomes bad, the formation of a smooth. Therefore, the summer should often check the amount of oil oil quality, and timely add or change; Clean oil filter and radiator in time to ensure smooth flow of oil and good heat dissipation, and try to prevent overload.
  4. Car paint is damaged
  Although it seems to have no life, but it is also afraid of the sun, long-term exposure to the sun will become old, wrinkle. Ordinary hairdressing waxes, of course some effect, but as a result of any car wax contains silicon ingredients, long ultraviolet light will rust car paint, leaving a spot of black spots. And the car wax itself does not play to strengthen the hardness, anti - ultraviolet effect, will be due to the temperature over the high and quickly lost, therefore, the car should be parked in the shade when parking.
  If you need a concrete mixer or other engineering vehicles, you can contact us through the website or telephone. http://www.zvmc.cn