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來源:http://www.zvmc.cn 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-10-28
The use process of the self feeding mixer is not always smooth, especially if you do a good job in the corresponding inspection before driving, it is very easy to have various types of problems and failures. Now let's talk about some "hard core" problems that need to be checked for the equipment from the manufacturer of the self feeding mixer.
1. Control air pressure fastening connector How much air pressure should be injected into the tank, which has been set at the factory, does not need to be adjusted. If it is necessary to adjust under special circumstances, it is recommended to control the pressure at about 3.5Mpa. If the pressure is too high, the pipe will burst easily. In addition, the new self feeding mixer truck and its daily use shall be fastened at any time at the pipe interface to prevent falling off.
2. Water filling process of tank car The arrangement of water filling places of each type of tank car is much the same with little difference. Generally, the water tank exhausts - fills up the water - closes the water filling valve; When not in use, place the paddle in the middle.
3. In winter, there is no water left inside In winter, the water in the water tank and water pipe shall be drained after the vehicle is collected every day, and compressed air shall be injected into the water pipe to blow away the residual water in each pipe, so as to prevent the pipe from freezing and cracking. Cement self loading mixer
4. The water reducing agent is a concrete additive that can reduce the mixing water consumption under the condition that the concrete slump remains unchanged. It is carried with the vehicle and can adjust the concrete well. However, when adding water reducing agent, be sure to remember that there are people in the laboratory of the commercial concrete station, otherwise the concrete quality and strength are not enough, and the driver will bear the consequences.
5. Return to the factory to check the water volume in the tank When returning to the station after completing the task of driving, check the water volume in the water storage tank to keep the tank full at any time for emergency.
6. Check the concrete quality before leaving the factory. The quality of each plate of concrete may change due to different raw materials. When the concrete is loaded and leaving the site, it is necessary to check the slump and workability of the concrete in the tank, and be careful of the early setting and layered precipitation of the concrete.
7. Reduce vehicle travel time The transportation distance of concrete is generally within the range of 30km in diameter, and the route and traffic conditions of vehicles shall be planned before departure to minimize the time of vehicles on the road.
8. Unload first to reduce losses In case of human factors or irresistible factors that make it impossible to unload materials for a long time, the concrete in the tank shall be checked at any time. Once it is found that the concrete starts to set. Unload immediately after reporting to the person in charge to prevent the whole tank from being scrapped.
9. Clean at any time Rinse at any time during operation. After each unloading, use the tanker with its own water gun to wash the tank mouth, blade, feed inlet, tank body and corners to prevent the concrete from accumulating more after solidification, which is difficult to clean.
Please note that the tank car shall be cleaned after the car is collected. At the end of the daily delivery task, add more than 1 cubic meter of clean water into the tank and quickly rotate the tank for cleaning. If conditions permit, you can also add stones in the tank to achieve better results. More usage precautions come to our website http://www.zvmc.cn Consult!