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來源:http://www.zvmc.cn 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時間:2021-12-06
Money saving 1: white whoring method: now concrete mixer manufacturers pay more and more attention to after-sales service. The benefit for car owners is that they can often enjoy free testing activities. Many of these free testing activities seem simple, but they seem to have no substantive content in the eyes of car owners. In fact, these free testing activities are very beneficial.
Owners can use these free testing activities to conduct a comprehensive physical examination of the concrete mixer, find some potential faults in time, eliminate these potential faults, and save high maintenance costs in the future.
Money saving 2: proper oil use includes two aspects: one is fuel oil and the other is lubricating oil. Improper fuel selection can easily cause faults such as fuel filter blockage, unstable idle speed, poor acceleration and increased fuel consumption of concrete mixer engine, accelerate cylinder wear and affect engine life. How to select lubricating oil to meet the lubrication requirements and spend less money? The basic principle is: it can meet the use requirements of concrete mixer truck, only buy the right one, not expensive one. For example, engine oil. For domestic cars, some domestic SJ grade engine oil can fully meet the requirements. There is no need to buy imported ones.
Money saving 3: scientifically determining the interval mileage of various maintenance operations can not only keep the concrete mixer in good technical condition, but also save you maintenance and repair costs. For new vehicles with good general technical conditions, the maintenance cycle can be appropriately extended if they are used under good application conditions; If the technical condition of the concrete mixer is poor or the application conditions are bad, the maintenance cycle shall be appropriately shortened.
Money saving 4: if the unloading and loading can be stopped and turned off, and the one key operation can be realized, it can save money very well. After calculation, this is the best way to save money and make more money!
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