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來源:http://www.zvmc.cn 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021-03-17
自上料攪拌車輸送泵堵塞原因正常泵送的混凝土在管道中 心形成柱狀流體,流動(dòng)時(shí)呈懸浮狀態(tài),表面包有一層水泥漿,作為潤(rùn)滑劑與管壁接觸,骨料之間基本上不產(chǎn)生相對(duì)運(yùn)動(dòng)。當(dāng)某些粗骨料運(yùn)動(dòng)受阻時(shí),后面的骨料運(yùn)動(dòng)速度受其影響而滯緩,致使形成粗骨料集結(jié),而附近的砂漿被擠走,余下的間隙有小骨料填充,水泥漿潤(rùn)滑層被破壞,運(yùn)動(dòng)阻力加大,速度變慢,直運(yùn)動(dòng)停止而堵管。
The reason for the blockage of the transfer pump of Zhongke self loading mixer truck is that the normally pumped concrete forms a columnar fluid in the center of the pipe, which is suspended when flowing. There is a layer of cement slurry on the surface, which contacts with the pipe wall as a lubricant, and there is basically no relative movement between the aggregates. When the movement of some coarse aggregate is blocked, the movement speed of the aggregate behind is affected by it, resulting in the formation of coarse aggregate aggregation, and the nearby mortar is squeezed away, the remaining gap is filled with small aggregate, the cement slurry lubrication layer is damaged, the movement resistance increases, and the speed slows down until the movement stops and the pipe is blocked.
Analysis and elimination of blockage of concrete mixer pump
1、 進(jìn)料口處的堵塞
1. Blockage at the feed port
(1) Phenomenon pumping movement and hydraulic system are normal, no abnormal sound and vibration, there are large aggregates or lumps in the hopper, stuck or arched at the feed port and blocked.
(2) 排除方法泵反向運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)以破壞拱起,使混凝土回到料斗,重新攪拌,再正向泵送。如果反向不成,則需人工清理,予以排除。
(2) The elimination method is that the pump runs in the reverse direction to destroy the arching, make the concrete return to the hopper, mix again, and then pump forward. If the reverse direction fails, manual cleaning is needed to eliminate it.
2. Blockage at outlet of distributing valve
(1) Phenomenon pumping system action suddenly interrupted, and there is abnormal sound, resulting in strong vibration, but there is no corresponding vibration in the pipeline.
(2) 排除方法往料斗內(nèi)倒入15~30L水泥漿,使泵反復(fù)正反向起動(dòng),迫使打開通路,若此法無效,則只能人工排除,拆下相連管,去掉閥內(nèi)雜物即可。
(2) Method: pour 15-30l cement slurry into the hopper to make the pump start up in forward and reverse directions repeatedly, and force to open the channel. If this method is invalid, it can only be removed manually. Remove the connecting pipe and remove the impurities in the valve.
3. S pipe valve blocked
(1) 現(xiàn)象 S管閥處堵塞是逐漸形成的,主要原因是泵送完混凝土后,沒及時(shí)用高壓水沖洗,致使管內(nèi)殘留混凝土,日久逐漸加厚,堆積固結(jié),造成堵塞。
(1) Phenomenon s pipe valve blockage is gradually formed, the main reason is that after pumping concrete, did not wash with high pressure water in time, resulting in residual concrete in the pipe, gradually thickened over time, accumulated consolidation, resulting in blockage.
(2) 排除方法泵送混凝土結(jié)束后,要用高壓水將泵體和S管沖洗干凈。沖洗無效時(shí),可采用釬鎬把殘?jiān)サ?,直為止?/div>
(2) After the end of pumping concrete, the pump body and S pipe should be washed with high-pressure water. When the washing is invalid, the residue can be removed with a chisel until it is removed.
4. The concrete pipeline is blocked
(1) 現(xiàn)象輸送壓力逐漸增加,而料斗料位不下降,管道出口不出料,泵發(fā)生振動(dòng),管路也伴有強(qiáng)烈的振動(dòng)和位移時(shí),可判定是管道堵塞。
(1) When the conveying pressure increases gradually, the hopper material level does not drop, the pipe outlet does not discharge, the pump vibrates, and the pipeline also has strong vibration and displacement, it can be determined that the pipeline is blocked.
(2) 堵塞部位的判斷堵塞一般發(fā)生在彎管和錐管處有振動(dòng)的部位。一般情況是從泵的出口開始。征兆是:未堵塞的管段會(huì)發(fā)生劇烈振動(dòng),堵塞部位以后的管路則無振動(dòng)感??梢杂寐犛X判斷,未堵塞段混凝土被吸動(dòng)時(shí),會(huì)有響聲;堵塞部分以后段則沒有聲響。還可以用木錘敲打管道檢查,憑敲打時(shí)手感或聲音判斷,堵塞部位會(huì)有發(fā)“悶”的聲音和密實(shí)的感覺。在長(zhǎng)距離水平輸送時(shí),如有管接頭漏漿的情況,泄漏部位后面的直管內(nèi)也容易發(fā)生堵塞。
(2) The judgment of clogging position the clogging usually occurs at the vibration position of elbow and cone pipe. Generally speaking, it starts from the outlet of the pump. The symptom is: the pipe section that is not blocked will vibrate violently, and the pipe after the blocked part will not vibrate. It can be judged by hearing that when the concrete in the non blocked section is sucked, there will be a sound; after the blocked section, there will be no sound. You can also use a wooden hammer to knock the pipe for inspection. Judging by the feeling or sound of knocking, there will be a "stuffy" sound and dense feeling in the blocked part. In the long-distance horizontal transportation, if there is slurry leakage at the pipe joint, the straight pipe behind the leakage part is easy to be blocked.
(3) When the blockage occurs, the pump can be reversed repeatedly. When the blockage is eliminated, the pump can be reversed while checking along the pipeline. The wooden hammer can be used to knock the parts that are considered to be blocked. Sometimes, the blocked aggregate can be loosened after being vibrated to make the pumping smooth. If the knocking is ineffective, the hammer or other objects that may damage the pipeline can not be used to hammer. If the position of pipe blockage is judged accurately, and the blockage is not far from the end of pipe discharge, as long as the blocked pipe is removed, the blocked concrete is removed, and then the pump can continue. If the plugging part is far away from the end of the pipe, when the plugging section is cleaned and installed back into the pipe, the empty pipe may be blocked again due to the air plug. In this case, the pipe concrete after the blocking section should be blown out with compressed air and then pumped by connecting pipe. If the plugging part cannot be judged quickly or is difficult to be removed, the concrete shall be blown away by air washing. In the case of pipe plugging, it is often necessary to purge by sections. If the pipe is divided into short sections and cannot be blown, manpower shall be organized as soon as possible to dismantle all the pipes one by one, remove the concrete and wash them with water.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content is helpful to you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please pay more attention to our Zhongke self loading mixer website.