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來源:http://www.zvmc.cn 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時間:2021-04-16
Small concrete mixer is the same as other vehicles that we need to maintain frequently. If we maintain it properly in the normal use process, its performance will get better play and bring us more profits. But do you know the harm of "sludge" to the mixer?
Let's first understand the harm of "oily sludge" to concrete mixer truck
1. 冷車的時候會啟動困難,熱車情況下啟動后怠速比較低,這是因為“油泥”在油管內(nèi)堆積,車冷的時候就會凝結(jié)成塊,造成油管堵塞;在車熱的情況下“油泥”變小,但是會影響油的品質(zhì),使得供油量降低,從而怠速降低。
1. When the car is cold, it is difficult to start. When the car is hot, the idle speed is relatively low after starting. This is because the "sludge" accumulates in the oil pipe, and when the car is cold, it will condense into a block, causing the oil pipe blockage. When the car is hot, the "sludge" becomes smaller, but it will affect the quality of the oil, and reduce the oil supply, thus reducing the idle speed.
2. 油管內(nèi)的“油泥”也會影響油的品質(zhì),造成油的不完全燃燒,不僅污染環(huán)境,還會增加油耗。
2. The "sludge" in the tubing will also affect the quality of the oil, resulting in incomplete combustion of the oil, which not only pollutes the environment, but also increases the oil consumption.
3. 油管內(nèi)的“油泥”堵塞造成上油量低,從而加大了火花塞、氧傳感器、三元催化器的工作量,比如我們在啟動車輛的時候需要多次啟動才可以,這會嚴重影響電瓶、火花塞的使用壽命。
3. The "sludge" in the oil pipe causes low oil loading, which increases the workload of spark plug, oxygen sensor and three-way catalytic converter. For example, when we start the vehicle, we need to start it many times, which will seriously affect the service life of battery and spark plug.
4. 當油管內(nèi)的“油泥”,進入發(fā)動機后,他們并不能完全被氧化分解,從而形成碳層,這樣使得耗油量加大的同時,導(dǎo)致發(fā)動機燒油,縮短了發(fā)動機的使用壽命。
4. When the "sludge" in the oil pipe enters the engine, they can not be completely oxidized and decomposed, thus forming a carbon layer, which increases the fuel consumption, causes the engine to burn oil and shortens the service life of the engine.
Since "sludge" has so much harm to vehicles, it is very important to prevent "sludge". The skills to prevent "sludge" must be mastered: small mixer
1. 避免“高 檔低速”行駛,高 檔低速會導(dǎo)致燃油燃燒不完全,長此以往就會在油管內(nèi)形成“油泥”。
1. Avoid "high-speed and low-speed" driving. High speed and low-speed will lead to incomplete fuel combustion. In the long run, "sludge" will form in the oil pipe.
2. 不要長時間的怠速運轉(zhuǎn)和低速行駛,這樣也容易造成燃料的不完全,積累形成碳層。
2. Do not idle and drive at low speed for a long time, which may cause incomplete fuel and carbon accumulation.
3. 使用品質(zhì)達標的燃油,燃油的純度高,在燃燒的時候就會更加充分,這樣也會減少“油泥”的生成量,因此使用匹配的燃油也是非常重要的。
3. The use of quality standard fuel, high purity of fuel, when burning will be more sufficient, which will also reduce the "sludge" generation, so the use of matching fuel is also very important.